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Supreme Champion Azreal Bakari
National Qualifier, Regional Qualifier

This boy is my very special neuter. Bakari’s start to life was not very good. His mother rejected him and I hand raised him from 6 days old. From the moment that he accepted me as his surrogate mother there was no way that he was going to leave our home.

Bakari is such a funny boy always making us smile with his antics. He started bringing me leaves and flowers from the garden as a kitten and has never stopped this habit, every day I will receive one of Bakari’s gifts. A very playful boy he also retrieves a sponge ball when it is thrown.

He is also my second bred Supreme and followed in Sky, his aunt’s footsteps to our national show Cat of the Year 2007 to gain the title of “National Qualifier”. He then when on to qualify for Cape Top Cat 2007 receiving his "Regional Qualifier" title.

His very inquisitive nature has left him with a kink in his right ear from one too many run in's with our electric fence.  Despite this he continued his show career.  You will see his wonky ear in a few of the pictures of him as an adult.

Lovies you Bakari ... you are my ultimate winner so thank you for baring with me on the show bench.  Bakari just wanted to "uppies" on my sholder at shows and was not terribly impressed that the judges would not let him do this.