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Supreme Champion Warwick Va Czarina of Azreal
National Qualifier, Regional Qualifier, Distinguish Merit

Sky is our very first Russian from Stephanie. As a tiny kitten to arrive a few years ago little did we know that she would be the start of our love affair with the Russian Breed. Sky has taken the title of “Regional Qualifier” and then just a few months later “National Qualifier” all under 2 years old. Sky was the start of my adventure into the Cat Fancy and subsequent breeding and what a girl to start with. Not only is she one of the most perfect Russian girls in my cattery but her temperament is so sweet.

Sky has also given us some of the most exquisite babies, as Azure, Botti-Lenni, Gucci, Leningrad and Lara have all proven. As the matriarch of our house hold Sky keeps all the girls in check. She is also a supurb mother and will adopt any kittens. She suckled her daughter Elektra until she fell pregnant again, Elektra was over 10 months old.

This darling girl has been awarded the very high title of Distinguish Merit (DM) for producing so many title kittens.